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Nottingham and London

Do you have stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise? 

Aqualyx involves injections of deoxycholic acid solution, a secondary bile acid, and several plant-based compounds. It is a safe and effective fat-dissolving injection designed to work with your body to get rid of excess fat cells. After it is injected the fat cells are permanently destroyed, and excreted by the lymphatic system naturally. 

If you're looking to lose a significant amount of weight all over the body, Aqualyx fat dissolving injections aren't appropriate. However, if you're at a healthy weight and want to address those stubborn areas of fat that just won’t shift, then this treatment is a great solution!

Results are seen 4-6 weeks post treatment. For small area, 1-3 sessions are required 4 weeks apart. For larger areas, 3-6 sessions are required. 


Small Area 

e.g. chin, bra overhang, bingo wings, upper stomach.

1 session- 175

Or 3 sessions- 450

Large Area

e.g. Hips, thighs, lower stomach 

1 session- 225

Or 3 sessions- 575

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